Units in CSS


Fixed values cm, mm, px.

Pixels used to cause a lot of problems, as they were a fixed unit (one dot on the screen). Now, it follows the reference pixel. So not a dot on screen anymore.

<aside> ⚠️ We use calc function to do different kind of calculations in css. A better alternative can be clamp function which takes 3 values the middle value is the same as what you pass to calc(), the opening value specifies the minimum size and the closing value specifies the maximum size.



Depends on other things like parent etc.

Used to make the website responsive.

Units are %, em, rem, vh, vw, max-height, min-height.

There are two types of relative units.

Percentages are mainly used for widths, and are pretty easy to understand.

Some General Rule of thumb

Font-size = rem

Padding and margin = em

Widths = em or percentage