
In adversarial search problem environment is multiagent, competitive where in the agent's goals are in conflict.

Adversarial search problems are commonly known as games.

Mathematical game theory a branch of economics views any multiagent environment as a game, provided that, impact of each agent on the others is "significant" regardless of whether the agent are co-operative or competitive.

The term game means a sort of conflict in which n individuals or groups (known as players) participate.

Game theory denotes games of strategy. John Von Neumann is acknowledged as father of game theory.

Neumann defined game theory in 1928 and established the mathematical framework for all subsequent theoretical developments.

Game theory allows decision-makers (players) to cope with other decision-maker (players) who have different purposes in mind. In other words, players determine their own strategies in terms of the strategies and goal of their opponent.

Games are integral attribute of human beings. Games engage the intellectual faculties of humans.

If computers are to mimic people they should be able to play games.

A game has at least 2 players. Solitaire is the term used for single player games of concentration and are not considered game by game theory.

Every instance of the game must end and when an instance ends, each player receives a payoff / outcome.

Game is formally defined with following four components :