S/no Package/Library Category Use
1 tRPC Typescript Help to build & consume fully typesafe APIs without schemas or code generation. It makes it easy to write endpoints that you can safely use in both the front and backend of your app.
2 Prisma Typescript ORM but on steroids for Typescript
3 Zod Typescript TypeScript-first schema/type declaration and validation library.
4 GSAP Typescript Animation Library
5 Framer Motion React Animation library for React
6 React Query React Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
7 PostCSS Typescript Development tool that uses JavaScript-based plugins to automate routine CSS operations like auto-prefixing, future CSS syntaxes, modules, linting and more.
8 TailwindCSS HTML Utility first CSS framework for styling
9 Formik React Form library for React and React Native
10 Yup Typescript Yup is a schema builder for runtime value parsing and validation
11 Storybook Typescript Helps to build UI components isolated from the business logic and context of your app so that they can be property tested.
12 ky-universal Typescript Ky is a tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API, just a tiny file with no dependencies. With Universal one can use Ky in both Node.js and browsers.
13 got Typescript HTTP request library for Node.js, ky is mostly for modern browser and deno runtime; With ky-universal with node some issues may arise so got is the solution.
14 axios Typescript Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js. There are a lot of http clients for Typescript that includes got, ky, needle, superagent, node-fetch etc.