What is a Game Engine
A game engine lays the software framework to build and create video games.
- eg. Unreal and Unity are some game engines provided publicly while there are also private ones like RAGE for GTA etc.
They provide features from animation to artificial intelligence.
Game engines are responsible for rendering graphics, collision detection, memory management, and many more options.
A Game engine at its core basically is or at least its goal is to transform data from one format into another.
- It's all about data transformation we essentially read in a set of files from disk we take the data from those files and we transform it into something else that shows up on our screens. We also always provide away to interact with that data as well.
- It is also used to create those files(assets).
Entry Point
Application Layer
Window Layer
Input and Event Manager
Render API abstraction
Debugging Support
Scripting Language
Memory Systems
Entity Component System (ECS)