History of AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of sciences, theories, and techniques including mathematical logic, statistics, probabilities, computational neurobiology, computer science that aims to imitate the cognitive abilities of a human being.
Some applications of AI are:
- Natural Language Processing (NLP),
- Computer Vision (CV),
- Expert Systems,
- Speech Recognition, and
- Object Detection and Classification.
In the early days of World War, Germany used a safe encrypted way of sending messages to other German forces. This was called the Enigma Code.
- Alan Turing, a British Scientist built a machine called the Bombe machine that can decode the Enigma code.
- This code-solving machine becomes the initial foundation for machine learning.
In 1950, an English mathematician, computer scientist, and theoretical biologist Alan Turing published A paper – “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”.
- According to Alan, Rather than trying to determine if a machine is thinking, Turing suggests that we should ask if the machine can win a game, called the “Imitation Game”. This proposed “Imitation Game” was also known as the Turing Test.
- Eugene Goostman is a chatbot that portrays a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy, developed by programmers – Vladimir Veselov (Russian), Eugene Demchenko (Ukrainian), and Sergey Ulasen (Russian) at Saint Petersburg in 2001. This chatbot also passed the Turing test after a long run. This was portrayed as a 13-year-old as in Veselov’s opinion a thirteen-year-old is “not too old to know everything and not too young to know nothing”, a clever idea to ignore its grammatical mistakes.
In 1943, American Neurophysiologist Warren Sturgis McCulloch, in his paper “A Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity” stated the initial idea for neural networks. Warren Sturgis tried to demonstrate that a Turing machine can be implemented in a finite network of formal neurons.
In 1951, Inspired by McCulloch’s paper, Marvin Minsky & his graduate student Dean Edmunds built the first Artificial Neural Network using 3000 vacuum tubes which stimulated 40 neurons.
- This first neural network machine was known as the SNARC (Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Calculator) which imitated a rat finding its way around the maze**.** This was considered as one of the first towards building machine learning capabilities.
In 1952, Arthur Samuel wrote the first Machine learning program for checkers (Game AI), and also he was the first to use the phrase Machine Learning.
- The IBM computer worked on this algorithm and improved it. The more it played, studying the moves having winning strategies and incorporating those moves into its program.