
NextJs is a flexible React Framework that gives you building blocks to create fast Web Applications. Basically, it provides some of the crucial features and building blocks on top of a standard React.js application to make a modern website and apps.

NextJS Folder Structure




Static routes are given priority over dynamic routes

Link tag in Next and link Prefetching

React Server Components


Developers constantly have to make choices about using third-party packages. Using a package to render some markdown or format a date is convenient for us as developers, but it increases code size and hurts performance for our users.

React's new Server Components compliment Server-side rendering, enabling rendering into an intermediate abstraction format without needing to add to the JavaScript bundle. This both allows merging the server-tree with the client-side tree without a loss of state and enables scaling up to more components.

Server Components are not a replacement for SSR.

It's been considered a best-practice to only serve code users need as they need it by using code-splitting.

Some of the challenges with code-splitting are: