A Note for Intermediate-Advanced Developers

If you are already well versed with PHP then you should read https://phptherightway.com/ this is just a 1-2 hours read.


PHP is a very polarizing language. Some people love it, some people hate it. If we move one step above the emotions and we look at the language as a tool, PHP has a lot to offer.

PHP is a programming language mostly used to create Web Applications.

<aside> 💡 PHP isn’t dead and as a matter of fact Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, Etsy all use some PHP.


PHP is often called a “scripting language” and it’s an interpreted language.

PHP is a dynamically typed language.

PHP is also loosely (weakly) typed so you don’t need to declare the types of your variables.

Being interpreted, loosely and dynamically typed will make bugs harder to find before they happen at runtime. But on the other hand, an interpreted language has more flexibility.

<aside> đź’ˇ PHP is written, internally, in C.


PHP supports object-oriented programming, and also functional programming.

The PHP file has a <?php opening, which says “here starts some PHP code”, an ending ?> that closes the PHP code snippet, and inside it the PHP code.

PHP is a server-side language and it is typically used in 2 ways.