Kon’nichi wa, Ruby

Ruby is the brainchild of Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto, a Japanese computer scientist who became disheartened by the object-oriented scripting languages that were notable at the time.

It was designed for programmer productivity with the idea that programming should be fun for programmers.

It emphasizes the necessity for software to be understood by humans first and computers second.

Ruby is an open-source, interpreted, general-purpose programming language.

In addition to being an interpreted language, Ruby is dynamically typed with garbage collection and just-in-time (JIT) compilation.

Ruby has a secret weapon that makes it the love of fast-iterating web developers: the Ruby on Rails framework.

Ruby programmers use the Ruby programming language to design and build higher level languages called Domain Specific Languages or DSL's like Rails and Rspec.

Ruby is a strongly object-oriented language, which means that absolutely everything in Ruby is an object, even the most basic data types.

Naming Conventions in Ruby

Snake Case for files, Methods, Variables and Symbols.

Screaming Snake Case for Constants.

CapitalCase for Classes and Modules.