PRLP Pattern
In order to make sure our application can load as efficiently as possible in difficult conditions, we can use the PRPL pattern which focuses on four main performance considerations:
- Pushing critical resources efficiently, which minimizes the amount of roundtrips to the server and reducing the loading time.
- Rendering the initial route soon as possible to improve the user experience
- Pre-caching assets in the background for frequently visited routes to minimize the amount of requests to the server and enable a better offline experience
- Lazily loading routes or assets that aren't requested as frequently
When we request for a webpage the server first returns a HTML page, and upon parsing of the page whenever there is a requirement for any other resource the browser again request the server for that resource. More request means more HTTP roundtrips. Having to repeatedly request the resources isn't optimal, as we're try to minimize the amount of round trips between the client and the server!
- For a long time, we used HTTP/1.1 in order to communicate between the client and the server. Although HTTP/1.1 introduced many improvement compared to HTTP/1.0, such as being able to keep the TCP connection between the client and the server alive before a new HTTP requests gets sent with the
header, there were still some issues that had to be solved!
- HTTP/2 introduced some significant changes compared to HTTP/1.1, which make it easier for us to optimize the message exchange between the client and the server.
- Whereas HTTP/1.1 used a newline delimited plaintext protocol in the requests and responses, HTTP/2 splits the requests and responses up in smaller pieces called frames. An HTTP request that contains headers and a body field gets split into at least two frames: a headers frame, and a data frame!
- HTTP/1.1 had a maximum amount of 6 TCP connections between the client and the server. Before a new request can get sent over the same TCP connection, the previous request has to be resolved! If the previous request is taking a long time to resolve, this request is blocking the other requests from being sent. This common issue is called head of line blocking, and can increase the loading time of certain resources.
- HTTP/2 makes use of bidirectional streams, which makes it possible to have one single TCP connection that includes multiple bidirectional streams, which can carry multiple request and response frames between the client and the server.
- Once the server has received all request frames for that specific request, it reassembles them and generates response frames. These response frames are sent back to the client, which reassembles them. Since the stream is bidirectional, we can send both request and response frames over the same stream.
- HTTP/2 solves head of line blocking by allowing multiple requests to get sent on the same TCP connection before the previous request resolves!
- HTTP/2 also introduced a more optimized way of fetching data, called server push. Instead of having to explicitly ask for resources each time by sending an HTTP request, the server can send the additional resources automatically, by “pushing” these resources.
- After the client has received the additional resources, the resources will get stored in browser cache. When the resources get discovered while parsing the entry file, the browser can quickly get the resources from cache instead of having to make an HTTP request to the server!
- Although pushing resources reduces the amount of time to receive additional resources, server push is not HTTP cache aware! The pushed resources won't be available to us the next time we visit the website, and will have to be requested again. In order to solve this, the PRPL pattern uses service workers after the initial load to cache those resources in order to make sure the client isn't making unnecessary requests.
- As the authors of a site, we usually know what resources are critical to fetch early on, while browsers do their best to guess this. Luckily, we can help the browser by adding a
resource hint to the critical resources!
- By telling the browser that you'd like to preload a certain resource, you're telling the browser that you would like to fetch it sooner than the browser would otherwise discover it! Preloading is a great way to optimize the time it takes to load resources that are critical for the current route.
- Although preloading resources are a great way to reduce the amount of roundtrips and optimize loading time, pushing too many files can be harmful. The browser's cache is limited, and you may be unnecessarily using bandwidth by requesting resources that weren't actually needed by the client.