What is JS

JavaScript is a fully independent language with its own specification called ECMAScript.

<aside> 💡 JavaScript was originally developed in 11 days under the name Mocha, then LiveScript, and finally renamed to JavaScript.


JavaScript can execute not only in the browser, but also on the server, or actually on any device that has a special program called the JavaScript engine.

Modern JavaScript is a “safe” programming language. It does not provide low-level access to memory or CPU, because it was initially created for browsers which do not require it.

JavaScript’s capabilities greatly depend on the environment it’s running in (JS runtime).

JavaScript’s abilities in the browser are limited for the sake of the user’s safety, to prevent webpage from accessing private information or harming the user’s data.

JavaScript on a webpage may not read/write arbitrary files on the hard disk, copy them or execute programs. It has no direct access to OS functions. (Requires user access).